Ymir Report #2 — First cycle

Heya friend!

Carl here. You signed up to receive updates about Ymir, the WordPress serverless DevOps platform that I’m building.


I managed to do one cycle of coding and marketing. Didn't accomplish as much as I'd like, but I think it might end up being a good system until further notice.


I started working on the DynamoDB object cache. WordPress threw a lot of wrenches into the development process. I think I'm close to done on the plugin side. I'd like to get it done for the next cycle, but we shall see.

I'm not sure what the context switching cost is with working on longer features one week out of two. We'll see next week! I'm hoping it's not too bad.


I had a few marketing goals for this week. I wanted to set up a blog, a changelog and some other stuff. I spent a lot of monday on the blog, trying themes and seeing if I could make it look nice. Was frustrating and didn't really get anywhere.

I switched to just writing content. The first blog post I wanted to write was a cost analysis of hosting carlalexander.ca. It's been on AWS for 3 months so I had quite a bit of data. In classic Carl fashion, the whole thing balooned to this 3000 word article.

How much does hosting carlalexander.ca with AWS Lambda cost? >>

Please forgive the whole look of the blog. I just slapped a quick site with the Twenty Twenty One. Heading fonts are huge. I'll try to polish it up a bit next cycle.


You can always view Ymir's up-to-date business metrics at ymirapp.com/open. They're updated every 10 minutes.

I have a 4th customers! I'm still shocked a week later to be honest. I'm kinda waiting for the inevitable cancellation.

People are using the product and deploying with it. (It's not just me anymore!) I think there's been around 60 deployments since the last update. So that's actually super encouraging.


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Heya friend! Carl here. You signed up to receive updates about Ymir, the WordPress serverless DevOps platform that I’m building. INTRO Heya! It's been a little while since the last report. December was super busy and then I had some unfortunate events during the holiday and in January which delayed a lot of stuff. I'm still not done writing my year in review because of them 🫣😅 There's actually been quite a bit of work done on the product since the last update. The biggest new feature is PHP...

Heya friend! Carl here. You signed up to receive updates about Ymir, the WordPress serverless DevOps platform that I’m building. INTRO I hope everyone in the USA had a great Thanksgiving! 🦃 Well, if October was busy, November was even more so! I had a lot of contract work. I was also lucky that some clients postponed some of it until this month or next year. One difference with October is that some of my consulting work was Ymir related! This allowed me to get some bug fixes in, as well as...

Heya friend! Carl here. You signed up to receive updates about Ymir, the WordPress serverless DevOps platform that I’m building. INTRO It's been a busy October for me on the consulting front. Lots of contracts and I have some new ones starting next month as well. I wish I had some time to dedicate to Ymir, but I have to prioritize that work. Especially since 2024 was a slower year for me and Ymir's business shrunk. I figured this was a good time to do some writing on the current WP...