Ymir Report #55 ā€” Pricing change lands TOMORROW

Heya friend!

Carl here. You signed up to receive updates about Ymir, the WordPress serverless DevOps platform that Iā€™m building.


This is going to be a short update. I flew back from Greece last week. It's been back to back long holiday in Canada. (That's why this update is a bit delayed. I'm taking a bit off today šŸ˜…)

The pricing changes are almost done in the main Ymir application. I still need to have to run the entire test suite with the changes. This takes over 10h. But it should be done tomorrow so you have until then to resubscribe or subscribe to get the old unlimited plan.

Outside of that, I haven't had time to work on anything else.


You can always view the history of Ymir's product development at https://ymirapp.com/changelog.

Like I said, still working on the pricing changes. Once that's done, I'll be going back to doing some small improvements here and there. Looking at doing some work updating CloudFront configuration to support Brotli compression as well as Origin Shield.


No marketing work this week. Recording a podcast tomorrow. I have another one that should drop soon with Remkus. He mentions it in this WordCamp Europe recap podcast.

It was fun listening to it because Dave met me for the first time. But I like that he mentioned it was good to see me build in public. šŸ„°


You can always view Ymir's up-to-date business metrics at ymirapp.com/open. They're updated every 10 minutes.

Too early to tell the impact of the pricing change. I've had 5 sign ups (5 new, 1 reactivation) from people wanting to take advantage of the grandfathered unlimited plan. I'm hoping this gives me a baseline subscription income.

There might be some partnership news about the agency plan by the next update. We'll see how that goes!



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Heya friend! Carl here. You signed up to receive updates about Ymir, the WordPress serverless DevOps platform that Iā€™m building. INTRO Heya! It's been a little while since the last report. December was super busy and then I had some unfortunate events during the holiday and in January which delayed a lot of stuff. I'm still not done writing my year in review because of them šŸ«£šŸ˜… There's actually been quite a bit of work done on the product since the last update. The biggest new feature is PHP...

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