Ymir Report #28 β€” Ymir-configured image CDN is coming πŸš€

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Carl here. You signed up to receive updates about Ymir, the WordPress serverless DevOps platform that I’m building.


Been feeling better since the last update. I decided to go ahead and start working on a new major feature. It's allowing Ymir to configure CloudFront as an image CDN. I'll talk more about it in the product section below.

But this means I've mostly done no marketing. It's not great, but I really wanted to start working on these larger features. I have to balance my time with doing support, consulting work, and managing my video game addiction πŸ™ƒ

I might start back marketing consistently this next cycle if I do solid progress on the image CDN. Otherwise, it'll be in April.


You can always view the history of Ymir's product development at https://ymirapp.com/changelog.

Ok, so an image CDN! This feature has been on my backlog for a while. The reason is that media library plugin support has been difficult from the start. It's the one area where I'm not sure I'll ever have parity support with a regular WordPress server installation.

That said, customers use these plugins for a reason. Most of the time, it's because they want to have optimized images. This is just so Google Pagespeed doesn't complain about it.

Well, if that's the main reason people use them, this isn't a problem. I can have CloudFront do instead of a plugin! And that's why this feature is important.

During the last product cycle, I got a proof of concept working.

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Carl Alexander
Twitter Logo
March 9th 2022

Even if I have it working, there's still a lot to do on the application side as well as the WordPress side of things. I'm hoping I can have it done during this upcoming cycle, but I'm also tackling some other issues with the runtime which is also consuming a lot of my time.


Like I said, I barely did any marketing this cycle. All that I did really was one small Twitter thread on a feature I did last month, which led to a new YouTube video.

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Carl Alexander
Twitter Logo
March 15th 2022


You can always view Ymir's up-to-date business metrics at ymirapp.com/open. They're updated every 10 minutes.

There's been quite a bit of turnaround this month. I have a few customers whose project they wanted to use Ymir for didn't work out. This led to a few cancellations, which is understandable.

That said, I've had a few new agencies sign up. That’s exciting! (They were also very excited!) I currently have 3 active trials.

So we'll see how everything goes when the dust settles. I might be up a few customers this month. That said, a few cancellations kick in next month.



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Heya friend! Carl here. You signed up to receive updates about Ymir, the WordPress serverless DevOps platform that I’m building. INTRO Heya! It's been a little while since the last report. December was super busy and then I had some unfortunate events during the holiday and in January which delayed a lot of stuff. I'm still not done writing my year in review because of them πŸ«£πŸ˜… There's actually been quite a bit of work done on the product since the last update. The biggest new feature is PHP...

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